Paleolithic Arts in North Spain
- Introduction
- The Digital Archive Project
- Cave Arts in North Spain
- Introduction
- Recent Research
- Main characteristics
- Rock Arts in Iberian Peninsula
- Caves in Asturias
- Introduction
- Candamo Cave
- Lluera Cave
- Tito Bustillo Cave
- Buxu Cave
- Pindal Cave
- La Loja Cave
- Caves in Cantabria
- Introduction
- Chufin Cave
- Altamira Cave
- Hornos Cave
- Castillo Cave
- Chimeneas Cave
- Pasiega Cave
- Las Monedas Cave
- Santian Cave
- El Pendo Cave
- La Hasa Cave
- Covalanas Cave
- Pondra Cave
- Caves in Basco
- Introduction
- Venta de la Pena Cave
- Arenaza Cave
- Santimamine
- Ekain Cave
PhotoVR digital archiving project on
Paleolithic Cave Arts in North Spain
Takeo Fukazawa / Texnai, Inc.
From March to July of1998, under the supporting program by IPA(Information Technology Promotion Association), an agency of the Ministry of International Trades and Industries of Japan, Texnai and the Department of Historical Science of the University of Cantabria executed Photo VR shooting excursions in the Cantabrian region of the North Spain for the purpose of creating a PhotoVR Database of the Paleolithic Arts which includes the Cave Arts and the Mobil Arts in the North Spain.
During those five months, our cave shooting team mainly shot IPIX Spherical VR pictures in totally 22 caves in four provinces of this region such as Asturias, Cantabria, Viscaya, and Gipzcoa. At the same time, our mobil arts shooting team shot QTVR object movies of about 150 artifacts at each archeological museums located in Oviedo, Altamira, Santander, Bilbao and San Sebastian.
This gallery is a report on this PhotoVR digital archiving project as well.
[photo above] Spherical panorama shooting in the cave of Tito Bustillo, Asturias, Spain, 1998.
Muse Digital Photo Library
2-1, Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Tel:03-3464-6927 Fax:03-3476-2372
Copyright reserved by Texnai, Inc. and IPA, 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002